Artist Books of the Northern Prairies

Tell 1
Tell 3
Seiche 4
Seiche 5
Seiche 7
Sea of Agassiz 1
Sea of Agassiz 4
Sea of Agassiz 7
Sea of Agassiz 9
Sea of Agassiz 10
Palimpsest 11
Palimpsest 10
My Mother's Walking 2
My Mother's Walking 7
My Mother's Walking 9
Minnesota Girl 8
Minnesota Girl 6
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Tell 1
Tell 3
Seiche 4
Seiche 5
Seiche 7
Sea of Agassiz 1
Sea of Agassiz 4
Sea of Agassiz 7
Sea of Agassiz 9
Sea of Agassiz 10
Palimpsest 11
Palimpsest 10
My Mother's Walking 2
My Mother's Walking 7
My Mother's Walking 9
Minnesota Girl 8
Minnesota Girl 6
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Body of handmade artist books conceived and fabricated while serving
as Distinguished Professor in the Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota Morris.
Each is a unique codex contained in a folio or case. Bindings include gilded
and tooled leathers, linen and silk book cloth, and marbled and handmade
papers. These artist books explore the northern prairie biome, and its peoples,
plants, and animals. Each codex contains photographs taken by the artist,
and anonymous snapshots sourced locally in thrift shops and second hand
stores coupled with original poetry and mixed media drawings by the artist.